Make Sure Your Portable Restroom Is Fit For An Executive
When you are entertaining executive-level guests, you'll be doing everything you can to impress them. This is even true when your executive-level guests will need to use the bathroom in a location that normally doesn't have restroom facilities available. Fortunately, there are portable restrooms built to impress executives.
The Restroom Should Look Great on the Outside
Clients often consider a traditional porta-potty to be an eyesore. For that reason, it's a great idea to use a portable restroom rental that does not look like a porta-potty. Luckily, there are many options available.
The color scheme of the portable restroom rental needs to be aesthetically pleasing. Show the portable restroom company what your event will look like because there might be a restroom design that better matches your event.
The Interior Can Be Stylish
The more guests you have, the more you can justify a trailer that more closely resembles a traditional bathroom. Some of the nicer portable restroom trailers resemble a nice bathroom in someone's house or a bathroom found in a club.
The Trailer Should Have Everything a Bathroom Needs
A portable restroom trailer looks much better than a porta-potty. Also, the trailer will give the individual using it the sense that there are other amenities available. A portable restroom rental should have all of the amenities that are found in your typical restroom, such as hand soap, paper towels, running water, and mirrors. Depending on the weather, you may also need fans or air conditioning so that your guests don't become hot, since some portable restrooms can become very hot in the summer.
Make Sure the Guests Can See
Make sure to use nice, soft, ambient lighting that is easy on the eyes. Don't provide a portable bathroom restroom that doesn't have lights at all, since it can be very inconvenient to use a portable restroom in the dark.
Decide if You Need Unisex
Decide whether you'd like a restroom for men and women, or whether you would like all stalls to be unisex. Guests are often more comfortable when the restrooms are separated for men and women, but if you don't need a lot of trailers, this may take up more space. With separate bathrooms, you can make different accommodations for each gender.
Follow ADA Standards
Another concern is whether your restrooms are ADA-compliant. There are restrooms that can be too small for guests who need ADA accommodations. Fortunately, there are portable restroom options that are compliant with ADA guidelines in all states.